Sky is the limit

Friesland, the Netherlands. 2024.

Autumn structures

Friesland, The Netherlands, November 2023

Germany wilderness

Germany, Cochem. July 2023

The veluwe, series 3

The veluwe, the Netherlands. January 2023


Terschelling, The Netherlands. 2022

The Veluwe, Series 2

The Veluwe, The Netherlands 2021


Markerwadden, Lelystad, The Netherlands 2020

Urbex Exploring

Abandoned Factory, Farm, House and school, The Netherlands 2020/2021/2022

Sunset Series

Petten, North-holland - Ameland - Sneek, Friesland, The Netherlands 2018, 2020/2021

Forest Series

Friesland - Hunzedal, Boger, Drenthe The Netherlands 2019/2021

The Veluwe, Series 1

The Veluwe, The Netherlands 2019


Limburg, Valkenburg - Brabant, Mierlo The Netherlands 2019

The Caves

Limburg, Valkenburg, Ruíne and Caves The Netherlands 2019


Holwerd, Ameland The Netherlands 2018

Water Series

Friesland The Netherlands 2018/2019

First Photo's

© 2016 - 2024 -  Mike's Nature Photo's

All the photo's are made by Mike's Nature Photo's. Questions or reactions? Please reach out to us!